Amendment #360 to H3400
Unemployment Insurance Review
Mrs. Orrall of Lakeville moves to amend the bill by adding the following new section:-
“ SECTION XX. SECTION 1. (a) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, there shall be a special commission to study and report on the effectiveness of the current unemployment benefits eligibility system. The commission shall consist of the Secretary of the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce, or a designee; the Director of Unemployment Insurance, or a designee; the Director of the Department of Career Services, or a designee; the House and Senate Chairs of the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce, or a designee; one representative from the Associated Industry of Massachusetts; one representative from the Small Business Association; one representative from the Massachusetts AFL-CIO; and one minority appointment from the Minority Leader in both the House and Senate.
(b) The commission shall investigate any possible abuse of the use of unemployment benefits including, but not limited to, individuals applying for and receiving benefits annually or semiannually, individuals repeatedly receiving benefits on off seasons of their particular employment, individuals failing to comply with standards set relative to searching for jobs and using career service centers, employers failing to report layoffs, and employers intentionally laying off employees with intent to rehire.
(c) The commission shall report its findings to the Senate and House Clerks and make recommendations to the legislature by January 1, 2016.”.