Amendment #437 to H3400

Maintaining Current Level of Services at Tewksbury State Hospital

Mr. Miceli of Wilmington moves to amend the bill in section 2, in section 4590-0915, by adding in the last line after the word "hospitals" the following:

"provided further that Tewksbury State Hospital shall maintain the same number of beds in Fiscal Year 2016 as was maintained in Fiscal Year 2015 and provided further that no action shall be taken to reduce staffing levels at Tewksbury State Hospital below the levels in place as of July 1, 2015".

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #437 to H3400

Maintaining Current Level of Services at Tewksbury State Hospital


Theodore C. Speliotis

Diana DiZoglio

James Arciero

Thomas A. Golden, Jr.

David M. Nangle

Rady Mom

Daniel J. Ryan