Further Amendment #575.1 to H3400

Further to 575

Representatives Carvalho of Boston and Decker of Cambridge Mr. Carvalho of Boston and Ms. Decker of Cambridge move to amend the bill by adding the following section:-

SECTION XX. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the executive office of housing and economic development, in conjunction with the department of housing and community development, shall establish rules and regulations regarding the disclosure and verification of social security and employer identification numbers for applicants of public or subsidized housing and further requiring housing agencies to verify the number; provided further, that the undersecretary of the department of housing and community development shall submit a report to the general court with the result its investigation and study on the matter of public housing eligibility by July 1, 2016, by filing the same with the joint committee on housing. The report shall detail: (1) the number of applicants and household members for state-assisted public housing who would be unable to access state-assisted public housing if required to submit a social security number on their application, and of that population: the number of applicants and household members who are United States citizens, the number of applicants and household members who are resident aliens, the number of applicants and household members who are nonresident aliens, and number of applicants and household members who are United States veterans; (2) the number of applicants and household members for state-assisted public housing who would be unable to access state-assisted public housing if required to submit a social security number or an alien registration number on their application, and of that population: the number of applicants and household members who are United States citizens, the number of applicants and household members who are resident aliens, the number of applicants and household members who are nonresident aliens, and number of applicants and household members who are United States veterans; (3) the number of applicants and household members for state-assisted public housing who would be unable to access state-assisted public housing if requirements identical to those found in 42 U.S. Code § 1436a were enacted, and of that population: the number of applicants and household members who are United States citizens, the number of applicants and household members who are resident aliens, the number of applicants and household members who are nonresident aliens, and number of applicants and household members who are United States veterans; (4) the number of applicants and household members for state-assisted public housing who would be unable to access state-assisted public housing if requirements identical to those found in 42 U.S. Code § 1436a and 8 U.S. Code § 1641 were enacted, and of that population: the number of applicants and household members who are United States citizens, the number of applicants and household members who are resident aliens, the number of applicants and household members who are nonresident aliens, and number of applicants and household members who are United States veterans; (5) the number of applicants and household members for state-assisted public housing who would be unable to access state-assisted public housing if requirements identical to those found in 24 CFR 5.216 were enacted, and of that population: the number of applicants and household members who are United States citizens, the number of applicants and household members who are resident aliens, the number of applicants and household members who are nonresident aliens, and number of applicants and household members who are United States veterans; (6) the net fiscal impacts, if any, of implementing and enforcing the potential restrictions in sections 1-5, inclusive, of this report.