Amendment #591 to H3400
For the executive office of energy and environmental affairs to coordinate and implement strategies for climate change adaptation and preparedness
Representatives Smizik of Brookline, Provost of Somerville, Cantwell of Marshfield, Rushing of Boston, Rogers of Cambridge, Hecht of Watertown, Khan of Newton, Livingstone of Boston, Cutler of Duxbury, Decker of Cambridge, Kafka of Stoughton, Ultrino of Malden, Walsh of Framingham and Collins of Boston move to amend the bill in section 2, by inserting after item 2000-0100 the following item:
“2000-0101 For the executive office of energy and environmental affairs to coordinate and implement strategies for climate adaptation and preparedness, including but not limited to the resiliency of the commonwealth’s transportation, energy, and public health infrastructures; built environments; municipal assistance; improved data collection and analysis and enhanced planning: provided, that the executive office enter into interagency service agreements to facilitate and accomplish these efforts….$2,000,000”
Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #591 to H3400
For the executive office of energy and environmental affairs to coordinate and implement strategies for climate change adaptation and preparedness
Representative: |
Jennifer E. Benson |
Carole A. Fiola |
Peter V. Kocot |