Amendment #598 to H3400
Personal Needs Allowance
Representatives Benson of Lunenburg, DiNatale of Fitchburg, Cusack of Braintree, Hecht of Watertown, Rogers of Cambridge, Khan of Newton, Murphy of Weymouth, Dwyer of Woburn, Muratore of Plymouth, Orrall of Lakeville, Peisch of Wellesley, Decker of Cambridge and McMurtry of Dedham move to amend the bill in Section 2, in item 4000-0600, in line 20, by striking out the following: “up to” and inserting in place thereof the following: “of”.
Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #598 to H3400
Personal Needs Allowance
Representative: |
Denise Provost |
Elizabeth A. Poirier |
Steven Ultrino |
Colleen M. Garry |
James M. Cantwell |
Thomas A. Golden, Jr. |
John V. Fernandes |
Tom Sannicandro |
Tackey Chan |
James J. O'Day |
Frank I. Smizik |