Amendment #886 to H3400

An Act relative to dual membership in retirement systems

Mr. Mark of Peru moves to amend the bill by adding the following section:

"SECTION XXXX.  Paragraph (e) of subdivision (2) of section 5 of chapter 32 of the General Laws, as most recently amended by section 67 of chapter 165 of the acts of 2014, is hereby further amended by adding the following sentence:- This paragraph shall not apply to any member who has a total of at least 15 years of credible service from membership in 2 or more systems, regardless of whether or not the member has vested in 1 or more systems. A member with such minimum total years of credible service shall receive a superannuation retirement allowance that is equal to the sum of the benefits calculated pursuant to this section as though the member were retiring solely from that system in which he or she has the highest number of days of credible service."