Amendment #908 to H3400
Next Generation System 9-1-1 Upgrade
Representatives D'Emilia of Bridgewater, Orrall of Lakeville, Gifford of Wareham, Cutler of Duxbury, Mirra of West Newbury and Calter of Kingston moves to amend the bill, in section 2, in item 8311-1000, in line 15, by striking the word "and”
;and in said item by inserting, in line 16, after the word "building", the following:-
“ ; provided further, that no less than $1,764,334 be expended for the purpose of upgrading the current limited secondary equipment used at the public safety answering points (PSAP) of local police, fire and sheriffs departments with a Next Generation 9-1-1 system; covering the cost of one position per PSAP.”.
; and in said item striking out the following figure “4,302,186" and inserting in place thereof the figure “6,066,520”.
Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #908 to H3400
Next Generation System 9-1-1 Upgrade
Representative: |
Christopher M. Markey |