Amendment #959 to H3400
Representatives Nangle of Lowell and Collins of Boston move that the bill be amended by inserting in item 1595-6369, after the word “Laws,” the following words:-
"; provided, that notwithstanding said subsection (d) of said section 2ZZZ of said chapter 29, $50,447,378 of the amount appropriated under this item shall not be transferred to the Authority before appointment of 3 members of the fiscal management and control board proposed in section 73A."
and further move that the bill (H.3400) be amended by inserting after section 73 the following section:-
"SECTION 73A. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary:
(a) There shall be within the department of transportation, and reporting to the secretary of transportation, a Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority fiscal and management control board.
(b) The fiscal and management control board shall consist of 5 members appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall be an individual referred to the governor by the president of the senate, and 1 of whom shall be an individual referred to the governor by the speaker of the house.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law, and during its existence, the fiscal and management control board shall be afforded all powers, responsibilities, and obligations relative to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority that are vested in the board of the department of transportation by chapter 161A of the General Laws and any special law.
(d) The fiscal and management control board shall initiate and assure the implementation of appropriate measures to secure the fiscal and management stability of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, and shall continue in existence until June 30, 2018, and thereafter for such period as the members may vote, and the secretary of transportation may agree, to continue its existence; provided, however, that the fiscal and management control board shall not continue beyond June 30, 2020.
(e) Following the dissolution of the fiscal and management control board, the board established by section 7 of chapter 161A shall resume governance of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority."