Amendment #973 to H3400

Commission to Study the Current PILOT Formula

Representatives D'Emilia of Bridgewater and Gifford of Wareham Representative D’Emilia of Bridgewater moves to amend the bill by adding the following new section:-


“SECTION XX. (a) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, there is hereby established a special commission to study the current payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) to municipalities.  The commission shall be tasked with a review including but not limited to the following: the feasibility of allowing municipalities that host actual facilities on municipal land to receive a greater percentage in PILOT funding than those municipalities that do not host facilities; a review of the current formula; the feasibility of reforming the current PILOT formula. The commission shall consist of 10 members: 1 of whom shall be the secretary of administration and finance, or the secretary’s designee; 1 of whom shall be the treasurer, or the treasurer’s designee; 1 of whom shall be the commissioner of the department of revenue, or the commissioner’s designee; 3 members of the house of representatives, 1 of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader; 3 of whom shall be members of the senate, 1 of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader; and 1 of whom shall be a member of the Massachusetts municipal association.


(b) The department of revenue shall conduct an actuarial analysis to determine the costs of any recommendations made by the commission. The commission shall file a report of its recommendations, together with the actuarial analysis and proposed legislation, if any, with the clerks of the house and senate, the chairs of the house and senate committee on ways and means and the house and senate chairs of ways and means not later than June 1, 2015.”.