Amendment ID: H3789-1

Amendment 1

Technical correction

Mr. Pacheco moves to amend the bill by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the following text:-

“SECTION 1. The town of Lakeville may convey to the city of Taunton for general municipal and telecommunications facility support purposes the following parcels:

(i) a parcel of land located at 170 Kenneth Welch drive, including a water tower, identified as Lot A on a May 6, 2015 “A Plan of Land in Lakeville, MA” which is on file in the town assessors’  office, and further identified as a portion of parcel 060-008-019 in the town assessors’ office; and

(ii) a parcel of land located at 8 Montgomery street, including a pump station, identified as Lot A on a May 20, 2015 “A Plan of Land in Lakeville, MA” which is on file in the town clerk’s office, and further identified as a portion of parcel 018-002-002 in the town assessors’ office.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage.”