Amendment #6 to H3944

Secure and Suitable Facilities Clarification

Mr. Fernandes of Milford moves to amend the bill in section 34 by striking out lines 320-348 and inserting in place thereof the following paragraphs:-


If, after a hearing which shall include expert testimony and may include other evidence, the court finds that such person is an individual with an alcohol or substance use disorder and there is a likelihood of serious harm as a result of the person’s alcohol or substance use disorder, the court may order such person to be committed for a period not to exceed 90 days to a secure facility designated by the department of public health, followed by the availability of case management services provided by the department of public health for up to 1 year; provided, however, that a review of the necessity of the commitment shall take place by the superintendent on days 30, 45, 60 and 75 as long as the commitment continues. A person so committed may be released prior to the expiration of the period of commitment or transferred to a nonsecure facility upon written determination by the superintendent of the facility that release of that person will not result in a likelihood of serious harm. Such commitment shall be for the purpose of inpatient care for the treatment of an alcohol or substance use disorder in a facility licensed or approved by the department of public health or the department of mental health. Subsequent to the issuance of a commitment order, the superintendent of the facility may authorize transfer of that person to a different secure facility for continuing treatment upon notifying the committing court of the transfer.

If the court determines that the department of public health has not identified any available facilities that are suitable for the person, or if the court makes a specific finding that no lesser level of security would be suitable for the person, then the person may be committed to a secure facility for women approved by the department of public health or the department of mental health, if a female; or to the Massachusetts correctional institution at Bridgewater, if a male; provided, however, that any person so committed shall be housed and treated separately from persons currently serving a criminal sentence. Such person shall, upon release, be encouraged to consent to further treatment and shall be allowed voluntarily to remain in the facility for such purpose.