Amendment #20 to H4049

Allowing Somerville and Cambridge Cabs to Accept Fares at BCEC

Representatives Toomey of Cambridge and Decker of Cambridge move to amend the bill in line 507 by inserting after the words “calendar month.” the following:-


"SECTION 8.  Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, as a matter of public safety and security, the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority shall establish rules for the operation of transportation network company vehicles and taxicabs at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.  At a minimum, and subject to other such requirements as Authority may establish by regulation, said rules must meet the following requirements:


(a)  transportation network company vehicles that are not licensed as liveries are prohibited from accepting prearranged rides at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center until August 1, 2021; to ensure compliance with this prohibition on transportation network company vehicles, the Authority shall prescribe, through regulation, penalties for transportation network company drivers in violation of this paragraph;


(b)  taxicabs permitted to accept fares at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center shall be limited to taxicabs that are licensed by the City of Boston; provided, however, that the Authority may extend this right to taxicabs licensed by the Cities of Cambridge and Somerville for limited periods upon a finding that:


(1)  there are time periods where the availability of Boston taxicabs is insufficient to address the needs of individuals using the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center;


(2)  permitting Cambridge and Somerville taxicabs to pick up fares during these time periods would significantly improve the availability of taxicabs at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center during these time periods;


(3)  registered taxicab drivers in Cambridge and Somerville that are seeking to accept fares at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center must first meet substantially the same licensing and background check protocols imposed on Boston taxicabs before being permitted to do so;


(4)  there is a means of effectively communicating with Cambridge and Somerville taxicabs when these limited time periods begin and end, such that the exclusive right of Boston taxicabs to operate at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center is not otherwise infringed upon; and


(5)  such time periods shall not constitute more than 10% of any given calendar month."