Amendment #327 to H4200

UI Apprentice

Mr. Heroux of Attleboro moves to amend the bill by adding the following section:

Section XXXX

Section 24 of Chapter 151A is hereby amended by striking subsection (c) and replacing it with the following subsection (c)

(c) Have given notice of his unemployment, by registering either in a public employment office or in such other manner, and within such time or times, as the commissioner shall prescribe, and have given notice of the continuance of his unemployment and furnished information concerning any remuneration received by him during the period for which he claims benefits, in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the commissioner.

An individual who is certified as attending an industrial retraining course or other vocational training course as provided under section thirty, who is attending an apprentice training program registered by the Division of Apprentice Standards,  shall be deemed to be available for work under clause (b) of the first paragraph of this section.

No individual shall be considered ineligible for benefits because of failure to comply with the provisions of said clause (b) if such failure is due to an illness or disability which occurs during a period of unemployment after he has filed a claim and registered for work, and has been determined to be otherwise eligible; provided, that no work which would have been considered suitable but for such illness or disability was offered to him after he became ill or disabled; provided further, that the exception granted under this paragraph shall apply to three weeks only within a benefit year.


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #327 to H4200

UI Apprentice


RoseLee Vincent

John H. Rogers

James R. Miceli