Amendment #509 to H4200

Assistive Technology

Representatives Ferguson of Holden, Balser of Newton, Barrows of Mansfield, Cantwell of Marshfield, Dykema of Holliston, Gifford of Wareham, Gordon of Bedford, Hunt of Sandwich, Khan of Newton, Muradian of Grafton, Muratore of Plymouth, Sannicandro of Ashland, Walsh of Framingham, Linsky of Natick and Garlick of Needham move to amend the bill in section 2, inĀ  item 4120-4000, by inserting the following: "provided, that not less than $1,536,590 shall be expended for assistive technology services" and in said item by striking out the figures "$9,423,606" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$9,673,606".

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #509 to H4200

Assistive Technology


Hannah Kane

Daniel M. Donahue

James J. Dwyer

Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.

Steven Ultrino

Denise Provost

Alice Hanlon Peisch

Christine P. Barber

Louis L. Kafka

James J. O'Day

Walter F. Timilty

Mary S. Keefe

John J. Mahoney

Peter V. Kocot

Carmine L. Gentile