Amendment #699 to H4200

Merging Home Care Accounts

Mr. Brodeur of Melrose moves that the bill be amended by striking Line Items 9110-1500, 9110-1630, and 9110-1633 and inserting the following new Line Items:-.


9110-1630: For the purchase of direct services provided to qualified elders enrolled in the state home care program as established in sections 4, 4A and 4B of chapter 19A of the General Laws; provided, that aging service access points (ASAPs) shall be responsible for authorizing and purchasing community long-term care services from qualified direct service providers as determined by the comprehensive service plan developed by the ASAPs; provided further, that all qualified service plans eligible for enhanced service provision shall receive the enhanced reimbursement rate as established by 101 CMR 417.00; provided further, that the secretary of elder affairs may waive collection of sliding fees in cases of extreme financial hardship; provided further, that not more than $16,000,000 in revenues accrued from sliding fees shall be retained by the ASAPs without re-allocation by the executive office of elder affairs and shall be expended for the purposes of the home care program, consistent with guidelines to be issued by the executive office; provided further, that the secretary of elder affairs may transfer an amount not to exceed 3 per cent of the funds appropriated in this item to item 9110-1633 for case management services and the administration of the home care program…………..$158,143,535


9110-1633: For the operation of the elder home care program as established by sections 4, 4A and 4B of chapter 19A of the General Laws, including contracts with aging service access points (ASAPs) for home care case management services, information and referral, coordination and oversight of direct service provider network, and the general administration of the statewide home care program; provided, that the contracts shall include the costs of administrative personnel, home care case managers, travel, rent and other costs deemed appropriate by the executive office of elder affairs; and provided further, that the secretary of elder affairs may transfer an amount not to exceed 3 per cent of the funds appropriated to line item 9110-1630

……………………………………………………………………………………… $51,482,919


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #699 to H4200

Merging Home Care Accounts


Tricia Farley-Bouvier

Thomas M. Stanley