Amendment #993 to H4200

MCAS Low-Scoring Student Support

Ms. Peisch of Wellesley moves to amend the bill in section 2 by inserting after item 7061-9400 the following item:


“7061-9404 For grants to cities, towns and regional school districts to provide targeted academic support programs for students in grade 8 to grade 12, inclusive, and post-twelfth graders who have not yet earned a competency determination on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) exam established by the board of elementary and secondary education under sections 1D and 1I of chapter 69 of the General Laws; provided, that the department of elementary and secondary education and districts shall ensure that services are available to students with disabilities; provided further, that the purpose of this program shall be to improve students’ performance on the MCAS exam through replication of services and educational strategies with proven results as determined by the department of elementary and secondary education; provided further, that the programs shall supplement currently funded local, state and federal programs at the school or in the district; provided further, that funds shall be expended for a competitive grant program to fund academic support and college transition services to be implemented in fiscal year 2016 and operated by public institutions of higher learning or by public-private partnerships for students in grade 10 to grade 12, inclusive, and post-twelfth graders who may have completed all other high school requirements but have not yet obtained a competency determination, as defined in said section 1D of said chapter 69 as measured by the MCAS assessment instrument authorized in said section 1I of said chapter 69, and are working to pass a portion of the MCAS exam in order to obtain a competency determination and earn a high school diploma; provided further, that for the purpose of the programs, appropriated funds may be expended for programs or activities during the summer months; provided further, that funds shall be expended for competitive grants to fund Pathways programs that target students in grade 9 to grade 12, inclusive, and post-twelfth graders and are instituted by local school districts, public institutions of higher education, qualified public and private educational services organizations and one-stop career centers, including, but not limited to, school-to-work connecting activities, creating worksite learning experiences for students as an extension of the classroom, outreach programs for students who shall need post-twelfth grade remediation to attain the skills necessary to pass the MCAS exam and counseling programs to educate parents and high school students on post-twelfth grade remediation options; provided further, that funds shall be expended for a competitive grant program, guidelines for which shall be developed by the department of elementary and secondary education, for intensive remediation programs in communities with students in grade 8 to grade 12, inclusive, and post-twelfth graders who have not obtained a competency determination or have scored in levels 1 or 2 on either the English or math MCAS exams or in level 1 on the science, technology and engineering MCAS exam; provided further, that the department of elementary and secondary education may give preference for assistance to those districts with a high percentage of high school students scoring in level 1 on the MCAS exam in English, math and science, technology and engineering; provided further, that eligible applicants shall include individual high schools and those institutions that have partnered with a high school or group of high schools; and provided further, that no district shall receive a grant from this item until the district submits to the department of elementary and secondary education a comprehensive district plan under said section 1I of said chapter 69 to improve performance of all student populations including, but not limited to, students with disabilities……………...............................…………$4,294,804”.

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #993 to H4200

MCAS Low-Scoring Student Support


James M. Cantwell