Amendment #1 to H4271

Floor Amendment

Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moves to amend the bill by striking all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the following text:-

“Chapter 149 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 62A the following section:-

Section 62B. The provisions of section 62 prohibiting  a minor to work in the operation or management of hoisting machines or in operating a motor vehicle of any description shall not prohibit the operation or management of a hoisting machine or operating a motor vehicle; provided, however, that such minor is enrolled in a course of study and training in a vocational technical education program or a co-operative education program as defined in chapter 74; provided, further, that such minor shall be under the direct and close supervision of a qualified and experienced person; and provided further that such minor operating a motor vehicle has been issued the appropriate license by the registrar of motor vehicles to operate the motor vehicle.”