Amendment #14 to H4434

Jurisdiction Clarification

Mr. Gordon of Bedford moves to amend the bill by striking lines 217 through 221 and inserting the following section:

(f) All civil actions relating to employee noncompetition agreements or subject to this section shall be brought in the Superior Court of the county where the employee resides, or the County of the primary place of employment of the employee if the employee does not reside in the Commonwealth, and shall be brought under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts including the provisions of this Section.

(g) No employee noncompetition agreement may require the employee to unilaterally waive Superior Court jurisdiction, including a provision requiring alternative dispute resolution, notwithstanding that the parties may agree to alternative dispute resolution any time after a dispute has arisen.

in line 223, by striking out the words “entered into” and inserting in place thereof the words “sought to be enforced”.