Amendment #6 to H4459

Feasibility Study for Horse Park

Ms. Ferrante of Gloucester moves to amend the bill by adding the following sections:


SECTION X. The Massachusetts Gaming Commission established by Chapter 23K of the General Laws shall develop a report making recommendations to promote and protect the equine and thoroughbred industry in Massachusetts.  As part of the report, the commission, in consultation with the New England Horsemen Benevolent and Protective Association, shall determine the feasibility of creating a horse park, which may be operated by a non-profit organization, to meet the needs of the equine and thoroughbred industries.  In evaluating the viability of said horse park the commission shall undertake all necessary studies, including, but not limited to, governance, finance, construction and siting.  The commission shall expend monies allocated to the race horse development fund established by Section 60 of Chapter 23K to pay for said report and necessary studies.  In preparation of said report the commission shall also consult with appropriate state agencies, agricultural associations, groups directly involved in equine activities, horse retirement programs, horse parks located in other states and the Tufts Veterinary School, further, the Commission shall consider the findings from an equestrian center feasibility study produced by the Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning Department at the University of Massachusetts.  The report, together with recommendations for legislation, shall be filed with the House and Senate clerks by December 31, 2016.


SECTION XX.  Section 60, subsection (b) of Chapter 23K of the General Laws is hereby amended in the last sentence by adding after the word “committee” the following:

“provided, upon the operation of a horse park in the commonwealth, containing a one mile thoroughbred race track and conducting at least seventy-five days of live racing, not less than seventy-five percent of the monies deposited in the fund shall be provided for thoroughbred purses on an annual basis.”