Amendment #7 to S1979
Ensuring Net Metering Credits are Equitable to All Technologies
Mr. Jones of North Reading moves to amend the bill in Section 4 by striking the section in its entirety and replacing it with the following new section:-
“(b½) Upon a determination by the department of energy resources that 1600 megawatts direct current of solar generation has been qualified under subsection (g) of section 11F of chapter 25A, the department shall certify the date that capacity has been reached and provide a date of notification that all new Class I, Class II and Class III net metering facilities in commercial operation after said date shall generate market net metering credits only. A distribution company customer that uses electricity generated by a net metering facility that generates market net metering credits may elect net metering as follows:
(1)If the electricity generated by the net metering facility under this subsection during a billing period exceeds the customer’s kilowatt-hour usage during the billing period, the customer shall be billed for 0 kilowatt-hour usage and the excess market net metering credits shall be credited to the customer’s account. Credits may be carried forward from month to month. A net metering facility may designate customers of the same distribution company to which the solar net metering facility is interconnected and that are located in the same ISO-NE load zone to receive such credits in amounts attributed by the net metering facility. Written notice of the identities of the customers so designated and the amounts of the credits to be attributed to those customers shall be in such a form as the distribution company shall reasonably require.
(2)If the customer’s kilowatt-hour usage exceeds the electricity generated by the net metering facility during the billing period, the customer shall be responsible for the balance at the distribution company’s applicable rate.”;
And in the last paragraph of Section 9, after the words “Class III”, by striking the following word each time it appears:- ‘solar’.