Amendment ID: S1982-14-R1

Redraft Amendment 14

Encouraging Innovative Technology Sector Diversity

Ms. Chang-Diaz and Ms. Forry move to amend the bill in section 1, by striking out, in line 88, the words “and (ii) improve the innovative communities program” and inserting in place thereof the following words:-“(ii) improve the innovative communities program; and (iii) develop recommended guidelines to promote the marketplace participation of women-owned, minority-owned and veteran-owned startups”; and

in section 1 by inserting, in line 101, after the words “regional planning organization.” the following sentence:- “The governor shall ensure that at least 2 appointees are representative of organizations representing women or people of color in the technology sector.”; and

by adding the following section:-

SECTION 4. The innovative communities office, established in subsection (b) of section 66 of chapter 23A of the General Laws shall collaborate with the department of higher education and the office of access and opportunity to encourage the participation of women, veterans and minorities in the innovation sector.