Amendment ID: S2020-14

Amendment 14

Academic Detailing

Ms. Donoghue, Messrs. Montigny and Joyce move to amend the bill by inserting the following new section:-

Section XX. Chapter 111 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting the following section:-

The department of public health shall develop, implement and promote an evidence-based outreach and education program (“academic detailing program”) about the therapeutic risks and public health costs associated with utilization of opioid prescription drugs to practitioners who prescribe controlled substances, except veterinarians. In developing the program, the department shall consult with physicians, pharmacists, private insurers, hospitals, addiction experts, and the office of the attorney general.  The program shall arrange for physicians, pharmacists and nurses under contract with the department to conduct face-to-face visits with prescribers. The department may establish funding sources for this and other academic detailing programs that may include fees charged to manufacturers and labelers doing business in the commonwealth, a pharmaceutical sales representative licensing program, and a fund that may receive and expend grants, gifts, contributions, bequests and in-kind contributions, including volunteer services, from individuals, corporations, foundations or other entities, and state or other government bodies for the purpose of academic detailing.