Amendment #2 to S2064

Floor Amendment

Mr. Fernandes of Milford moves to amend the bill in SECTION 2 by inserting, in line 8, after the word “section” the number “15,” and by striking the sentence in lines 15 through 17; and

by striking SECTIONS 3 and 4; and

in SECTION 8 by striking the sentence in lines 244 through 246, and by inserting, after line 302, the following: (k) This section shall not require a notary public to use the forms in section 15 if the form of acknowledgment, jurat, signature witnessing or copy certification appears on a printed form that contains an express prohibition against altering such form

and in line 395 by striking the words “complies with the requirements of this chapter,” and inserting in place thereof the words “is substantially similar in legal meaning and effect to the texts of the several forms set forth in this chapter or in the appendix to chapter 183.