Amendment ID: S21-20

Amendment 20


Messrs. Downing, Petruccelli, Donnelly and Tarr, Ms. Lovely, Messrs. Montigny, DeMacedo and McGee move to amend the amendment by inserting, after section 42, the following new section:-

SECTION XX. Chapter 359 of the acts of 2014 is hereby amended by striking out section 67 and inserting in place thereof the following new section:-

SECTION 67. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the department of housing and community development may provide not more than $20,000,000 to eligible entities that administer the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, described in item 7004-2033 of section 2D of chapter 165 of the acts of 2014, provided, however, that the department and such eligible entities may expend a portion of these funds for approved administrative costs consistent with the current or prior year’s state plan submitted by the department under the federal program; provided further, that the department and such eligible entities may, after November 1, 2014, expend a portion of these funds in accordance with the state plan; provided further, that funds expended for this purpose shall be transferred from the General Fund; and provided further, such funds may be expended regardless of additional federal reimbursement.