Amendment ID: S2138-3

Amendment 3

Encouraging better coordination of medical and behavioral health

Mr. Keenan moves to amend the bill by inserting after subsection (e) the following new subsection:-

"(f) A carrier that issues a summary of payment form to an individual, if the payment was for a mental health or substance use disorder service, shall also issue to the individual a form that allows the individual to consent to the release of information about the mental health or substance use disorder service to the individual’s primary care or any other health care provider or providers of their choice, only for the purpose of coordinating and managing services to the individual by one or more health care providers. Said consent form shall be accompanied by information clearly explaining that such consent is not required but is encouraged to improve coordination of services; and by information on how the individual may complete and return the form to the carrier if they elect to give such consent. The consent form shall be issued in the same manner and to the same address as the summary of payment form, in accordance with the various delivery options an individual may select under this section."

And to further amend the bill by striking the figure "(f)" in line 51 and inserting in place thereof the figure "(g)"

And to further amend the bill by striking the figure "(g)" in line 55 and inserting in place thereof the figure "(h)"