Amendment ID: S2371-10

Amendment 10

Size of assessments

Ms. Donoghue moves to amend the amendment in SECTION 7, by striking out subsection (b) and inserting in place thereof the following:-

"(b) Annually, not later than February 1, each transportation network company shall submit to the director of the division established in section 23 of chapter 25 the number of rides costing less than $20 from the previous calendar year that originated within each city or town, the number of rides costing $20 or more from the previous calendar year that originated within each city our town, and a per-ride assessment of not more than $0.10 for rides costing less than $20 and not more than $0.25 for rides costing $20 or more, as determined by the director. A transportation network company shall not charge a transportation network rider or a transportation network driver, as defined in section 1 of chapter 159A½, for the cost of the municipal transportation infrastructure assessment. Not later than June 30, the director shall post on the division’s website the number of rides costing less than $20 from the previous calendar year originating within each city or town and the number of rides costing $20 or more from the previous calendar year originating within each city or town and shall proportionately distribute money in the fund to a city or town based on the number of rides at each price level from the previous calendar year that originated within that city or town."