Amendment ID: S2410-52-R1

Redraft Amendment 52

Appilcation of Collective Bargaining Agreements

Mr. Keenan moves to amend the amendment by striking the phrase “A decision to enter into a joint powers agreement pursuant to this section, or to join an existing region, shall not be subject to collective bargaining pursuant to chapter 150E” in lines 305 through 307, and inserting in place thereof the words:-

“To the extent the services, activities or undertakings to be jointly performed are subject to a collective bargaining agreement pursuant to Chapter 150E, the  decision to enter into a joint powers agreement pursuant to this section, or to join an existing region, shall be subject to collective bargaining pursuant to chapter 150E”;

and further by striking the words "and (vii)" in line 329 and inserting in place thereof the words:- "(vii) collectively bargain pursuant to Chapter 150E; and (viii)"

and further by inserting after the word “personnel” in line 359 the words:-

“To the extent the services, activities or undertakings to be performed by personnel employed by the public employer were subject to a collective bargaining agreement pursuant to Chapter 150E of one of the participating governmental units , the personnel employed shall be public employees and the terms and conditions of the services, activities or undertakings shall be established in accordance with chapter 150E