Amendment ID: S2446-8

Amendment 8

Relative to small businesses

Ms. Creem moves to amend the bill in Section 3 by inserting after the definition of “Serious health condition” the following new definition:- “Small business employer” an employer with 8 or fewer persons in its employ.

and  by inserting in line 96 after the words “benefit year” the following:-  “; provided, however, that an employee of a small business employer shall be eligible for a maximum of 8 weeks of family care leave in a benefit year”

and by inserting in line 98 after the words “benefit year” the following:- “; provided, however, that an employee of a small business employer shall be eligible for temporary disability leave for a maximum of 14 weeks in a benefit year”

and by inserting in line 100 after the words “benefit year” the following:- “; provided, however, that an employee of a small business employer may take an aggregate of not more than 14 weeks of temporary disability leave and family care leave under this chapter in the same benefit year”

and by inserting in line 270 after the words “contractor’s income” the following:- “ ; provided that for small business employers and their employees, such amount shall be proportionate to the reduced length of benefits available to such employees under this chapter”