Budget Amendment ID: FY2016-S3-180
GOV 180
Relative to Political Designations
Mr. Kennedy moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after section __, the following new section: -
“SECTION ____. Section 1 of chapter 50 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking the definition of “Political designation” and replacing with the following:-
“Political designation” shall apply to any designation required in section 8 of chapter 53, expressed in not more than three words, which a candidate for nomination under section 6 of chapter 53 represents, and to any designation expressed in not more than three words to qualify a political party under this section, filed by five hundred registered voters with the secretary of state on a form provided by him or her, requesting that such voters, and any others wishing to do so, may change their registration to such designation, provided however, that the designation “Independent” shall not be used. Certificates showing that each of the signers of said request is a registered voter at the stated address, signed by the city or town clerk shall accompany the petition. Any such request filed before December first in the year of a biennial state election shall not be effective until said December first. If, after the expiration of two years from the date the political designation is approved, there are fewer than one quarter of one percent of the total number of registered voters enrolled in the designation, it shall be dissolved and any such voters enrolled shall be registered as “unenrolled.””