Budget Amendment ID: FY2016-S3-464
ECO 464
Public-Private Partnership Working Group
Messrs. Barrett, Joyce and Brownsberger moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after section XX, the following new section:-
“SECTION XX. There shall be a public-private partnership working group established to review and evaluate statutory and regulatory obstacles to the formation and use of public-private partnerships in the commonwealth. For purposes of this section, the term public-private partnership shall include contractual agreements between a governmental entity and a private or not-for-profit entity in connection with the design, construction, operation and maintenance of a public asset that provides alternative finance and delivery methods in the commonwealth, including, design-build-finance-operate-maintain services or design-build-operate-maintain services. The working group shall investigate and make recommendations to the general court on the current practices, administrative efficiencies and cost benefits of increased usage of such public-private partnerships. A report of the working group’s findings along with any recommendations for legislation shall be filed with the clerks of the house of representatives and the senate within 120 days of the working group first convening. The report shall also include an examination of how public-private partnerships and alternate finance and delivery methods may be applied to various types of infrastructure projects including but not limited to, higher education facilities and housing and economic development projects.
The working group shall have 15 members: the secretary of administration and finance or a designee, who shall serve as chair; the attorney general or a designee; the inspector general or a designee; the secretary of housing and economic development or a designee; the undersecretary of housing, or a designee; the secretary of energy and environmental affairs, or a designee; the secretary of transportation or a designee; and 8 members to be appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall be the president of the Massachusetts Building Trades Council or a designee; 1 of whom shall be a representative of the business community; 1 of whom shall be a representative of the construction industry; 1 of whom shall be from an engineering consulting firm; 1 of whom shall be a representative from the Massachusetts Port Authority; 1 of whom shall be a representative from the Massachusetts Housing Finance Authority; 1 of whom shall be a representative from Massachusetts Development Finance Authority; and 1 of whom shall be an architect from the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.”