Budget Amendment ID: FY2016-S3-695

EPS 695

Lowell Post Release Center

Ms. Donoghue, Messrs. Brownsberger and Eldridge moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 8910-0107, by inserting in line 1 after the word “office” the following:

“; provided, that $750,000 be expended for the establishment and operation of a post release center located within the existing Lowell Office of Community Corrections building to work with inmates and released offenders providing continuity of health care through intensive patient management and substance abuse prevention and education; active career counseling; placement in CORI friendly jobs; continuing educational services; and assistance with obtaining housing, transportation vouchers and additional transitional assistance to help individuals successfully re-enter the community with the mission to reduce recidivism, generate cost savings for the Commonwealth and increase public safety; provided further, that the Middlesex Sheriff’s Office shall file an annual report by December 31st of each year with Joint Committee on Ways and Means, including data about the number of individuals participating in each of the respective programs, number of released offenders who have secured job placement, number of program participants that have not re-offended, and additional measures of program success;”;

And in said item, by striking out the figure “68,032,130” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “68,782,130”.