Budget Amendment ID: FY2016-S3-751
EHS 751
Home BASE Proportionate Post-assistance Bar
Mrs. L'Italien, Ms. Lovely and Ms. Gobi moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7004-0101, by inserting after the words “provided further, that a family who was terminated from the program or did not make a good faith effort to follow their housing stabilization plan during the term of their assistance shall be ineligible for benefits under this item and item 7004-0101 for 18 months from the last date the family received assistance under this item and item 7004-0101, including housing stabilization and economic self-sufficiency case management services;” the following new words: -
provided further, however, that this bar to future eligibility for assistance under either item shall be waived by the department in cases in which its application would not be fair, just, or equitable in light of all the circumstances, including but not limited to consideration of whether the family was still in receipt of financial assistance when the termination occurred and whether there was a good cause reason for any alleged noncompliance;