Budget Amendment ID: FY2016-S3-907
EHS 907
Homemaker Salary Reserve
Mr. Barrett, Ms. Forry, Messrs. Moore, Brownsberger and Lewis, Ms. Gobi, Ms. Lovely, Ms. Donoghue, Mr. Eldridge and Mrs. L'Italien moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting after item 9110-1633 the following item:
“9110-1635 For an adjustment to increase the approved program rates issued under 114.4 CMR 17.03 to provide a rate add-on for wages, compensation and/or salary and associated employee-related costs to personnel providing homemaker and personal care homemaker services to elderly clients under items 9110-1500, 9110-1630, and 4000-0600………………………………………$3,000,000
Community First Trust Fund………………… 100%”