Budget Amendment ID: FY2017-S4-232
EDU 232
Suicide Training for School Personnel
Ms. Flanagan, Ms. L'Italien, Messrs. Joyce and Humason moved that the proposed new text be amended By inserting, after section __, the following new section:
SECTION ___: SECTION 12 of Chapter 284 of the Acts of 2014 be amended by striking the first paragraph in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following language: “SECTION 12. Said chapter 71 is hereby further amended by adding the following section:- Section 95. (a) The department shall adopt rules to require that all public school districts and commonwealth charter schools provide at least 2 hours of suicide awareness and prevention training every 3 years to all licensed school personnel. A new hire shall obtain the training within 6 months of being hired. The training shall be provided within the framework of existing in-service training programs offered by the department or as part of required professional development activities.”