Budget Amendment ID: FY2017-S4-328-R1
Redraft GOV 328
Special Commission Repair of Digital Electronic Porducts
Mr. Brady moved that the proposed new text be amended <w:p><w:r><w:t xml:space="preserve">by adding the following section:-
"SECTION XXX. There shall be a special commission, to consist of: 3 members of the senate, 1 of whom shall be the chair of the joint committee on consumer protection and shall serve as a co-chairperson, 1 of whom shall be appointed by the senate president, and 1 of whom shall be appointed by the senate minority leader; 3 members of the house of representatives, 1 of whom shall be the chair of the joint committee on consumer protection and shall serve as a co-chairperson, 1 of whom shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, and 1 of whom shall be appointed by the house minority leader; the undersecretary for the office of consumer affairs and business regulation or his designees; and 3 persons to be appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall be a representative from the repair association, 1 of whom shall be a representative from the consumer electronics association CEA, and 1 of whom shall be a representative of MassMedic ,is hereby established pursuant to section 2A of chapter 4 for the purpose of making an investigation and study relative to the feasibility of establishing a statewide law relative to the repair of digital electronic products. The commission shall also study and make recommendations as to the options consumers have in having such products repaired, including, but not limited to, by the manufacturers of such products, businesses who are not manufacturers but provide repair services for such products.
Said commission shall report to the general court the results of its investigation and study and its recommendations, if any, together with drafts of legislation necessary to carry its recommendations into effect, by filing the same with the clerk of the senate and the clerk of the house of representatives on or before December 31, 2016."