Amendment ID: S44-15-R1

Redraft Amendment 15

Reporting on Priority Fill Positions

Mr. Keenan moves to amend the bill in Section 1, by adding the following definition:-

““Priority fill position”, a position that is important to an agency’s ability to carry out its mission as determined for each agency by the secretary of the relevant executive office and, if vacated under this act, may be considered a priority to be refilled pursuant to section 9.”; and

in section 2, by striking out, in lines 22 to 23, inclusive, the words “shall file with the house and senate committees on ways and means and the state board of retirement a report listing the critical positions by agency” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “priority fill positions. Not later than April 24, 2015, the secretary of administration and finance shall file with the house and senate committees on ways and means and the state board of retirement a report listing the critical and priority fill positions by agency”; and

in section 9, by inserting after the word “vacated”, in line 147, the following words:-

“; and provided further, that when filling vacated positions the secretary of administration and finance shall ensure that priority fill positions are filled to the maximum extent possible within the cost constraints of this section before the secretary approves the filling of any other position that is not a priority fill position”.