Amendment ID: S6-10

Amendment 10

Budget Information from Senate Ways and Means

Mr. Tarr moves to amend the bill in Rule 27A by inserting after the word "them" in the last sentence of the first paragraph the following:-

"Said presentation shall clearly indicate any reliance on non-recurring revenues and off-budget spending, including the nature and amount of federal revenues, and shall also include a diagram that simply and clearly details all the spending recommendations and corresponding revenue sources, as well as indicate spending on each item for each of the previous five fiscal years.  The committee shall, in its presentation, identify all new initiatives and major policy alterations within the general appropriations bill, including what service shall be provided by said initiative, any associated spending recommendations, savings realized by the Commonwealth, and revenue sources relied upon to fund said initiative. No bill, resolve or order proposing an increase in taxation shall be placed before the Senate prior to its being in print and posted on the Senate website for 7 days."


Moves to further amend in Rule 27A by inserting after the word "shall" the second time it appears in the first sentence of the third paragraph the following:-

"identify the revenue source upon which the recommendation is based, identify the total appropriation for the fiscal year if an existing appropriation is being altered, and"