Amendment ID: S7-1-R1

Redraft Amendment 1

An Amendment Balancing Responsibilities Between House and Senate Committee Members

Messrs. Montigny and Eldridge, Ms. Chandler, Ms. Creem, Messrs. Joyce, Hedlund, DeMacedo and Tarr move to amend the order in Rule 1 by inserting after the word “conduct”, the following:— “provided however, that such rules shall be adopted by a majority of the Senate committee members and a majority of the House committee members.”

and in Rule 4, in the first paragraph, by adding the following sentence:- “A decision of a joint standing committee to report on legislation shall be by vote only of the Senate members of the committee for Senate legislation, and by vote only of the House members of the committee for House legislation.”; and in the second and third paragraphs, by inserting after the words “committee members”, in each instance, the following words:- “of the appropriate branch”.