Amendment #1 to H1102

BTR report

Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moves to amend the bill The committee on Bills in the Third Reading, to whom was referred the


Engrossed Bill relative to authorizing the town of Rehoboth to transfer a conservation easement on a parcel of land (see House, No. 1102), which was returned by His Excellency the Governor pursuant to Article LVI with recommendation of amendment specified by him, (see House, No. 4864)


REPORT recommending that the amendment recommended by His Excellency the Governor be considered in the following form, by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the following:


“SECTION 1.  (a) Notwithstanding section 16 of chapter 30B of the General Laws or any general or special law to the contrary,  the town of Rehoboth, acting by and through its board of selectmen, may amend a conservation easement for use of a certain parcel of land on Plain street, as described in the conservation easement granted by Barry S. Saperia to the town dated December 11, 2007, recorded with the Bristol county northern district registry of deeds in book 17339, page 123 and further bounded and described as follows:  beginning at a point in the southeasterly circle of Atwells Farm road at the northeasterly corner of Lot 2 as shown on the hereinafter mentioned plan; thence running south 46° 39’ 46” west  161.27 feet to a point; thence running south 21° 07’ 35” west 565.61 feet to a point in a stone wall for a corner; thence turning and running by said stone wall and land now or formerly of Charles J. Ruggiero and Elizabeth A. Ruggiero south 84° 08’ 40” west 323.34 feet to a point in said stone wall; thence continuing along said stone wall and by land now or formerly of Ruggiero north 43° 09’ 51” west 158.56 feet to a point for a corner at another stone wall and land now or formerly of Roberta K. Winter; thence turning and running along said stone wall by land of Winter, north 58° 02’ 34” East 287.65 feet to a point in another stone wall for a corner; thence continuing by land of Winter and another stone wall north 23° 48’ 47” west 145.53 feet to a point; thence turning and running along a line shown on the hereinafter mentioned plan marked “easement line” north 57° 28’ 01” east 553.70 feet to a point in the southeasterly circle of Atwells Farm road in a circle to the right 107.68 feet to the point of beginning.

(b) The conservation easement in subsection (a) may be amended by: (i) striking out the words  “passive recreation such as picnicking, walking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, fishing, occasional horseback riding;” on pages 1 and 2; (ii) striking out the words “The Conservation Easement hereby granted shall be for the use and benefit of the Town of Rehoboth and its agents, employees, guests, invitees and other parties, to whom the grantee may give rights to use the Conservation Easement” on page 3; (iii) striking out sections 6 and 7 on page 5; and (iv) at the end of the document, adding the words: “Approval by secretary of energy and environmental affairs, commonwealth of Massachusetts; the undersigned, secretary of executive office of energy and environmental affairs of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, hereby certifies that the foregoing conservation restriction has been approved in the public interest pursuant to section 32 of chapter 124 of the General Laws.”

SECTION 2.  This act shall take effect upon its passage.”





And that when so amended the same will be correctly drawn.