SENATE  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  No. 2046


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts



In the One Hundred and Ninetieth General Court




SENATE, Wednesday, April 5, 2016

The committee on Bonding, Capital Expenditures and State Assets, to whom was referred the House Bill financing improvements to municipal roads and bridges (House, No. 2783),-- reports, recommending that the same ought to pass with an amendment striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the text of Senate document numbered 2046.


For the committee,
John F. Keenan

SENATE  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  No. 2046


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts


In the One Hundred and Ninetieth General Court




SECTION 1. To provide for a program of transportation development and improvements, the sums set forth in sections 2, 2A, and 2B for the several purposes and subject to the conditions specified in this act, are hereby made available, subject to the laws regulating the disbursement of public funds. The sums made available in this act shall be in addition to any amounts previously appropriated or made available for these purposes.


Highway Division

6122-1720. For grants to municipalities for the construction and reconstruction of municipal ways as described in clause (b) of the second paragraph of section 4 of chapter 6C of the General Laws; provided, that a city or town shall comply with the procedures established by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation; provided further, that a city or town may expend, without further appropriation, for these projects amounts not in excess of the amount provided to the city or town under this item upon preliminary notice of such amount; provided further, that the commonwealth shall reimburse a city or town under this item, subject to the availability of funds as provided in section 9G of chapter 29 of the General Laws, within 30 days after receipt by the department of a request for reimbursement from the city or town, which request shall include certification by the city or town that actual expenses have been incurred on projects eligible for reimbursement under this item and that the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the city or town according to the specifications of the project and in compliance with applicable laws and procedures established by the department; and provided further, that not more than $200,000,000 per fiscal year shall be made available for reimbursement under this item ……………………………………… $400,000,000


Rail and Transit Division

6622-1787. For the purposes of implementing and supporting the mobility assistance program pursuant to section 13 of chapter 637 of the acts of 1983 that improves transportation for elderly persons and persons with disabilities through vehicle and equipment purchases for regional transit authorities, councils on aging and other transit providers; provided that funds may also be expended for regional intercity bus and intermodal services and for programming and technical assistance to regional transit authorities and other transit providers ………………$30,000,000


Massachusetts Office of Information Technology

1790-3005. For costs associated with planning and studies, the preparation of plans and specifications, purchase, procurement and implementation of information technology-related equipment and related projects necessary for replacing the core operational system at the Registry of Motor Vehicles …………………………………………………………………… $60,000,000

SECTION 3. To meet the expenditures necessary in carrying out section 2, the state treasurer shall, upon request of the governor, issue and sell bonds of the commonwealth in an amount to be specified by the governor from time to time but not exceeding, in the aggregate, $400,000,000. All bonds issued by the commonwealth as aforesaid shall be designated on their face, Municipal Ways Act of 2017, and shall be issued for a maximum term of years, not exceeding 20 years, as the governor herein recommends to the general court under section 3 of Article LXII of the Amendments to the Constitution; provided, however, that all such bonds shall be payable not later than June 30, 2042. All interest and payments on account of principal on these obligations shall be payable from the General Fund. Notwithstanding any other general or special law to the contrary, bonds issued under this section and interest thereon shall be general obligations of the commonwealth.

SECTION 4. To meet the expenditures necessary in carrying out section 2A, the state treasurer shall, upon request of the governor, issue and sell bonds of the commonwealth in an amount to be specified by the governor from time to time but not exceeding, in the aggregate, $30,000,000. All bonds issued by the commonwealth as aforesaid shall be designated on their face, Municipal Ways Act of 2017, and shall be issued for a maximum term of years, not exceeding 20 years, as the governor herein recommends to the general court under section 3 of Article LXII of the Amendments to the Constitution; provided, however, that all such bonds shall be payable not later than June 30, 2042. All interest and payments on account of principal on these obligations shall be payable from the General Fund. Notwithstanding any other general or special law to the contrary, bonds issued under this section and interest thereon shall be general obligations of the commonwealth.

SECTION 5. To meet the expenditures necessary in carrying out section 2B, the state treasurer shall, upon request of the governor, issue and sell bonds of the commonwealth in an amount to be specified by the governor from time to time but not exceeding, in the aggregate, $60,000,000. All bonds issued by the commonwealth as aforesaid shall be designated on their face, Municipal Ways Act of 2017, and shall be issued for a maximum term of years, not exceeding 10 years, as the governor herein recommends to the general court under section 3 of Article LXII of the Amendments to the Constitution; provided, however, that all such bonds shall be payable not later than June 30, 2032. All interest and payments on account of principal on these obligations shall be payable from the Commonwealth Transportation Fund. Notwithstanding any other general or special law to the contrary, bonds issued under this section and interest thereon shall be general obligations of the commonwealth.

SECTION 6. The County Bridge spanning the Connecticut River, connecting South Hadley and the city of Holyoke, Bridge No. H-21-001, shall be designated and known as the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Bridge in honor and recognition of all the men and women who served their country in the Vietnam War.  The Massachusetts Department of Transportation shall erect and maintain suitable markers bearing the designation in compliance with the standards of the department.