Amendment #639 to H3600

Startup Costs for Full-Day Kindergarten

Representatives Golden of Lowell, Atkins of Concord, Arciero of Westford and Nangle of Lowell move to amend the bill in section 2 by inserting after 7061-9634 the following item:

“Xxxx-xxxx: For kindergarten expansion grants to provide grant awards to continue quality enhancement of existing full-day kindergarten classrooms; provided, that the department shall administer a grant program to encourage the voluntary expansion of high quality, full-day kindergarten education throughout the commonwealth; provided further, that grants funded through this appropriation shall not annualize to more than $18,000 per classroom in subsequent fiscal years; provided further, that preference shall be given to grant applicants with high percentages of students scoring in levels 1 or 2 on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System exam and school districts which serve free or reduced lunch to at least 35 per cent of their students, as determined by the department based on available data; provided further, that any grant funds distributed from this item shall be deposited with the treasurer of such city, town or regional school district and held in a separate account and, notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, shall be expended by the school committee of such city, town or regional school district without further appropriation; and provided further, that such program shall supplement and shall not supplant currently funded local, state and federal programs at the school or in the school district……………………..$18,589,713”.

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #639 to H3600

Startup Costs for Full-Day Kindergarten


Brendan P. Crighton

James J. Dwyer

Thomas J. Calter

William C. Galvin

Solomon Goldstein-Rose

Jonathan Hecht

Carmine L. Gentile

Paul R. Heroux

Denise Provost

James M. Murphy

John W. Scibak

Edward F. Coppinger

Sean Garballey

Jennifer E. Benson

Antonio F. D. Cabral

James M. Cantwell

Paul McMurtry

Thomas M. Stanley

Stephan Hay

John J. Mahoney

David M. Rogers

Jack Lewis

Michael S. Day

Michelle M. DuBois

Steven Ultrino

Jay R. Kaufman

Daniel Cahill

Carolyn C. Dykema

Bud Williams

John C. Velis

Josh S. Cutler

Peter V. Kocot

Mike Connolly