Amendment #2 to H3680

To improve access to online resources available to low-income pregnant women

Ms. Ferrante of Gloucester moves to amend the bill by inserting the following new section:  SECTION 3. The executive office of health and human services, in consultation with the department of public health and the assistant secretary for MassHealth, shall investigate and study methods to improve access to online resources available to low-income pregnant women seeking information about state programs or assistance, including, but not limited to eligibility information for the MassHealth program and the supplemental nutrition assistance program. The investigation shall include, but not be limited to: a review of existing state agency websites dedicated to providing information and resources to low income pregnant women; recommendations for improving access to such websites, including a determination about whether the websites are search engine optimized and measures necessary improve the availability of such websites through the use of online search engines; and the feasibility of creating a comprehensive state resource website for low-income pregnant women. The executive office of health and human services shall file a report of its findings and recommendations with the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on children, families and persons with disabilities not later than January 1, 2018.