Amendment #1 to H3706

Floor Amendment

Mr. Speliotis of Danvers moves to amend the bill by striking out section 2; and

by striking out section 5 and inserting in in place thereof the following 4 sections:-

“SECTION 5. Part III of said charter is hereby amended by striking out section 3-1 and inserting in place thereof the following section:-

Section 3-1. Elective Offices in General

In addition to the town council, the offices to be filled by the voters shall be a school committee, a town clerk and a housing authority and such other regional authorities, districts, or committees as may be established by law or interlocal agreement.

SECTION 5A. Part III of said charter is hereby further amended by striking out section 3-5.

SECTION 5B. Part III of said charter is hereby further amended by renumbering section 3-6 to be renumbered as section 3-5.

SECTION 5C. Part III of said charter is hereby further amended by striking out section 3-7 and inserting in place thereof the following section:-

Section 3-6. Filling Vacancies

If any vacancy occurs in the office of town clerk whether by failure to elect or otherwise, the town council shall, within thirty days following the date such vacancy is declared to exist, act to fill the said vacancy. The town council shall choose from among the voters, a person to serve for the balance of the unexpired terms. Any person so chosen shall be sworn and commence to serve forthwith.

If a vacancy occurs in the membership of the school committee or housing authority whether by failure to elect or otherwise, the president of the town council shall, within thirty days following the date such vacancy is declared to exist, call a joint meeting of the town council and the remaining membership of whichever agency in which a vacancy is declared to exist, to act to fill the said vacancy.  At any such joint meeting a majority of those present and voting shall choose from among the voters, a person to serve for the balance of the unexpired term. Any person so chosen shall be sworn and commence to serve forthwith. Participants in such joint meeting to fill a vacancy in the school committee or housing authority shall give consideration to whichever of the defeated candidates for the seat in which the vacancy is declared to exist who received the highest number of votes at the last regular town election immediately preceding the date the vacancy is declared to exist.”; and, further

by adding, in section 7-1 of section 7, the following sentence:- “There shall be no preliminary town elections.”; and, further

by striking out, in section 11, in lines 153 to 154, inclusive, the words “the Town of Barnstable shall be taken to have accepted the amendments to the Charter of the Town of Barnstable” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “sections 1 through 10, inclusive, of this act shall take effect”.