Amendment #3 to H4116

Relative to the safety of Alzheimer's\Dementia and Autistic individuals

Miss Garry of Dracut moves to amend the bill by adding the following section:


SECTION XX: Chapter 118E of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after section 9C the following section:-

Section 9D. (a) Definitions. As used in the section:

(i) “Technology-Assisted Tracking Device” shall mean any wearable device that complies with the following imperatives:

a) Waterproof and able to function under water (which is a major destination as seen above), compliant with IP66 and IP68 standards

b) Works indoors or under cover (Radio Frequency is the best technology for this), and does not need direct line of sight to the sky (GPS)

c) Not dependent on third-party public communication networks (such as cellular, GSM, GPRS, or similar as these are NOT prevalent everywhere)

d) Wrist or ankle strap needs to be tamper-resistant, but changeable by the caregiver directly

e) System specifics need to avoid false alarms in order not to waste LE and SAR time, and have a patient specific code for each device so as to avoid mistaken identities

(b) A health benefit plan shall provide full coverage, subject to all applicable co-payments, coinsurance, deductibles, and out-of-pocket limits, for insured individuals who are diagnosed by a license physician with Alzheimer's\Dementia disease, or Autism spectrum Disorder, to obtain a Technology-Assisted Tracking Device if they or their guardian choose.