Amendment #1 to H4232

An Amendment to enhance credit consumer’s rights

Mr. Hunt of Sandwich moves to amend the bill in section 4, in line 57, by inserting after the words “report.” the following sentence:- In addition, you are entitled to receive, upon request, one free consumer credit report each calendar quarter, provided that the request is made and fulfilled through the credit reporting agency website. ;


and by adding the following section:


SECTION XX. Section 51 of chapter 93 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2016 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting at the end thereof the following subsection:-


(c) Notwithstanding any federal statute, regulation, or rule to the contrary, a consumer reporting agency shall, upon request by the consumer, furnish one consumer report free of charge per calendar quarter, provided that the transaction is conducted electronically, through the credit reporting agency website.