Amendment #8 to H4291

Technical Amendment

Ms. Decker of Cambridge moves to amend the order by striking out, in line 5, the word “Definitions.”;

by striking out, in line 46, the word “parties” and inserting in place thereof the word “party”;

by striking out, in line 48, the word “Policy.”;

by striking out, in line 61, the words “intern employee” and inserting in place thereof the words “intern, employee”;

by striking out, in line 72, the word “Examples.”;

by striking out, in line 110, the word “Retaliation.”;

by striking out, in line 117, the words “Equal Employment Opportunity Officer”;

by striking out, in line 135, the words “investigating resolving” and inserting in place thereof the words “investigating, resolving”;

by striking out, in line 178, the words “Director of Human Resources”;

by adding, in Rule 90, the following subsection:-

“(h) The Committee on Personnel and Administration, in consultation with the Director, shall develop policies to address individuals who provide services to the House in a volunteer capacity or otherwise without receiving compensation.”;

by striking out, in line 236, the words “Human Resources Web Portal”;

by striking out, in line 243, the words “Director of Employee Engagement”;

by striking out, in line 255, the word “Complaints”;

by striking out, in line 264, the words “writing to” and inserting in place thereof the words “writing, to”;

by striking out, in line 270, the words “writing with” and inserting in place thereof the words “writing, with”;

by striking out, in line 288, the word “Investigations”;

by striking out, in line 318, the words “remedial, or” and inserting in place thereof the words “remedial or”;

by striking out, in line 319, the word “Discipline”;

by striking out, in line 361, the words “Special Committees on Professional Conduct”;

by inserting after the word “that”, in line 376, the word “it”;

by striking out, in line 399, the words “however that” and inserting in place thereof the words “however, that”;

by striking out, in line 409, the words “Confidentiality of Investigations”;

by striking out, in line 416, the words “made, or” and inserting in place thereof the words “made or”;

by striking out, in line 423, the words “made, or” and inserting in place thereof the words “made or”;

by striking out, in line 433, the words “Speaker, and” and inserting in place thereof the words “Speaker and”;

by striking out, in line 440, the words “authority or” and inserting in place thereof the words “authority, or”;

by striking out, in line 459, the words “authority or” and inserting in place thereof the words “authority, or”;

by inserting after the word “document”, in line 464, the words “; provided, however, that the committee may use pseudonyms to conceal the identity of the complainant if the circumstances of the complaint so warrant.”;

by striking out, in line 470, the words “Supplemental Policies, Procedures and Guidelines”;

and by striking out, in line 479, the word “Transition”.