Amendment #1075 to H4400

Lyme Disease PrEP

Mr. Mahoney of Worcester moves to amend the bill in Section 2, in item 4516-1000, in line 11, by inserting after the word “item” the following words: “; provided further, that the department of public health shall expend not more than $1,600,000 for the development of a Lyme Disease antibody by the MassBiologics division of the University of Massachusetts Medical School; and provided further, that the department of public health shall enter into a reimbursement agreement with the University of Massachusetts Medical School by which the department will be entitled to reimbursement for appropriations in this line item in the event that revenues from sale or distribution of the antibody exceed the total expenditures of the department of public health and the University of Massachusetts”; and in said item by striking out the figures “12,332,648” and inserting in place thereof the figures “13,932,648”.

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #1075 to H4400

Lyme Disease PrEP


Jennifer E. Benson

Thomas J. Calter