Amendment #1400 to H4400

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Mr. Sánchez of Boston moves to amend the bill in section 2E, by striking out item 1595-1075, and inserting in place thereof the following item: 

"1595-1075       For an operating transfer to the Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund established in section 2WWW of chapter 29 of the General Laws............................................$1,000,000";

In section 15, in line 169, by inserting after the word “inserting”, the word: "after"; and

By inserting after section 45 the following two new sections:

"SECTION 46.  Section 16 shall take effect on January 1, 2019.

SECTION 47.  Except as otherwise specified, this act shall take effect as of July 1, 2018."


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #1400, as changed to H4400

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José F. Tosado

Bud Williams