Amendment #237 to H4400

Autism Omnibus amendment

Mr. Scibak of South Hadley moves to amend the bill in section 2, in line item 5920-3020, by striking out the figures $18,073,445” and inserting in place thereof the following figures “$20,073,445”.

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #237 to H4400

Autism Omnibus amendment


Louis L. Kafka

Kenneth I. Gordon

Denise C. Garlick

William C. Galvin

James M. Kelcourse

Christine P. Barber

Jonathan D. Zlotnik

Carlos González

Paul Tucker

Mark J. Cusack

David M. Rogers

Michael S. Day

James M. Murphy

James Arciero

William M. Straus

James J. Dwyer

Colleen M. Garry