Amendment #579 to H4400

Statewide Center for Innovation and Change

Mr. Lewis of Framingham moves to amend the bill in section 2 by inserting after item 4120-2000 the following item:


“XXXX-XXXX To provide for the cost of creating a Statewide Center for Innovation and Change offering workforce development programs to benefit persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Center will support staff development and innovation leading to an increased ability of employment services personnel to place and support people with disabilities in typical employment settings. The Center shall work with 15 community rehabilitation programs in adopting policies, procedures, and practices that increase the placement of individuals with intellectual disabilities served by these agencies, as well as those referred for services from schools, and/or the Department of Developmental Services. The Center shall offer training, intensive technical assistance, and program evaluation. The Department of Developmental Services shall provide funds to direct service provider agencies to modify their structures, increase staff skills, and correspondingly increase their placement rates for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities served.   $950,000".


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #579 to H4400

Statewide Center for Innovation and Change


Chris Walsh

David Paul Linsky

Carolyn C. Dykema

James J. Lyons, Jr.

James R. Miceli

Kay Khan

Stephan Hay

Bud Williams

Marjorie C. Decker

Denise Provost

Natalie Higgins

Mary S. Keefe